Zenith is the highest point in an arc traveled by a star or a planet. In the human experience, zenith means becoming all you are meant to be.
The People You're Around Define You Coming soon
Tell your mind where you want to go, and it will take you there
Coming soon
Coming soon
Не се отпускай след като се представиш добре и постигнеш нещо, а double down further Coming soon
Letting go: Letting the Universe Flow Through You
Letting go, letting the universe flow through you and with you, trusting the universe. Experiencing emotions, but not trying to control them. It's okay to experience sadness, happiness, or any other emotion. Letting go means letting go of the desire to control the circumstance. Just let it be. Let the emotion happen and unfold. Observe them from a distance. This is truly divine. This is the flow of the universe.
An example of trying to control circumstances is having expectations, judging someone for their actions, and being disappointed by a given situation. Inherently, disappointment arises when we hold expectations that are not met.
Understanding what is in your control, and letting go of what isn't. Being in the present.
Whenever you struggle to let go, and strongly try to hold on to something or some outcome, it is an opportunity to explore why that is and what is the insecurity that causes you to do that. Healthy, calm, comfortable energy will be comfortable with letting go.
Accepting that you don't know better than your intuition, humbling yourself completely, no ego, and trusting it. Letting it flow through you. Letting yourself be part of a bigger mission, and following your purpose with humility.
Planting and filtering the right thoughts in your mind
Don't Give up
Focus on Listening
Just listening to the Universe and to what your purpose is all of the time. You will find it. It will become clearer. No ego. You don't matter. Just let yourself be a small part of the universe.
Being a channel of the Universe
Проводник на Вселената. A way for the universe to flow through you and express itself. You are a tool, a channel.
Trusting the Universe
Trusting, embracing the universe. This will make the difference between average and living to your calling, thriving, flourishing and being your best self. There is no comparison. Without the universe and your intuition, you are so limited.
Trusting the universe at every moment of the present is the key to everything else unfolding the way it's meant to.
Being Present
Calm, composed, content, present in the moment. Nobody can take the present moment away.
One of the beauties of life is that when you live in the present, you accept that life and the future is uncertain. That even 30 minutes from now are uncertain - not in a negative way, but in a beautiful way, and life could be completely different 30 minutes from now if you let it. If you embrace the beauty of life and the fact that its a constant journey with constant change, and simply trust your intuition to take you through every moment of "present". A constant unfolding of the present in a beautiful way. This means that following your intuition could take you to completely different places than you "plan" or "imagine". The key is to let go and to trust it, to allow yourself to be carried to those different places, because that's when the beauty of life unfolds.
Anxiety occurs when we try to control the future, or an outcome. Just not trying to control anything and letting go is key to fulfillment and happiness. Trust what you need to be doing, love what you do, and follow your intuition.
Life is a process of constant change. Don't try to control it. Trust it and let go.
We're on a Constant Journey
Life is a constant journey through the universe. And that journey is filled with extraordinary beauty and can change all the time, if you let the universe flow through you.
The Tribe: The Most Important Thing
We exist within tribes and it is the most important thing in our survival. This section will explore the importance of the tribe, fostering the mentality of a tribe to reach zenith. You are very weak alone. True power lies in groups. Humanity is yet to see the most beautiful, most powerful expression of us coming together through Exalia.
Discovering your Calling
Understanding your purpose is the beginning of living fully and being true to yourself. Our time here is limited and a beautiful human society is one where every person discovers their purpose, gift, and is unafraid to seek them. This is a society where people are encouraged to dream, and through dreams, we push boundaries, together. A society where everyone can be the best version of themselves and live a truly fulfilling life, while gifting their talents to the world.
Understanding your Intuition
Discovering the strength of your intuition, and why it may be far stronger than your rational mind in making the right decisions in life and uncovering your full potential, and whether intuition is divine.
Masculine and Feminine Energy
A journey to understanding your masculine or feminine energy, one of your greatest strengths, and your true nature. The masculine: the protector, the provider, the gatherer in you as a power and strength, bringing value to the world and society. The feminine: The carer, the nurturer in you as a power and strength, bringing value to the world and society.
Masculine energy combined with insecurity is loud and aggressive, arrogant. Masculine energy combined with security is calm, comforting, peaceful, quiet.
What is the difference between a girl and a woman? What is the difference between a boy and a man? When does one become the latter, and what does it mean?
Building Confidence
A journey to self-acceptance, recognizing that you are unique and have inherent value, and finding the strength to follow your intuition and become all you are meant to be to find fulfillment, joy, and thrive. Learning that confidence is ultimately trust.
Facing your Fears
A journey to facing fears and growth.
Overcoming your Ego
Reducing your ego to 0. Ego is the biggest enemy. Serving others.
Being Humble: The start to growth
Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Stay humble.
No matter how much you (think you) know, imagine that you only know the very tip of the iceberg and have so much more to learn and dive into, be hungry, and consume all the more knowledge that you can to better yourself. Learn from others.
Everyone has something to teach you.
Physical Health: Sleep, Food, Exercise
"Strong body is a strong mind".
Mental Health: Being Calm, Grateful, Focused, Belonging
Love: The Most Divine Expression
The most important, most divine expression between humans, foundational to brotherhood, sisterhood, being a partner, being a parent, building strong tribes based on love and trust, human relationships based on support. Spiritually, there is nothing more valuable than love. It's where everything else starts, and the strong foundation for everything else.
Insecurity / Becoming Secure
Coming soon.
While disappointment is related to the topic of letting go, it is a significant part of the human experience and deserves its own section. Trusting the universe.
Every Difficulty is an Opportunity to Learn
It's important to reflect on difficulties as you are facing them. To stay calm. To acknowledge that it will pass, and that it is an opportunity for you to become stronger by embracing it, letting it flow through you, and learning from it. While it is not always clear in the moment, overcoming difficulties and discomfort makes you more prepared to face the challenges of life and to become the best version of yourself.
Building Momentum
Building momentum when working on something - having focus, no distractions that are too significant so you can stay in the flow. Getting enough sleep, high quality sleep, sleeping at the same time, eating nutritious and healthy food. Spending energy on the right things. No alcohol. This ensures you don't "waste" days. Because if you throw yourself off (e.g. by drinking until 4AM) you not only waste the next day, you throw your momentum off and you have to start over. Whereas if you build momentum, consistency, you start to accelerate your speed a lot.
Self-criticism and being harsh to yourself. Always trying to be more, never being enough. Insecurity. Blaming and judging yourself into change doesn't work. You need to be forgiving and loving to yourself. You need to know that making mistakes is okay, and that we are all human. It's part of the journey. The point is to take care of yourself, spend time with yourself and reflect on your mistakes, and focus on being a better version of yourself.
Insecurity causing you to self-sabotage and to fall back to your belief of who you are, deep down.
A subtle form of insecurity and belief in your human limitations, rather than an embrace of the divine and ability to surpass them.
Visualising your future
Clearly visualising and placing yourself in the future (e.g. in 10, 20, or more years) is a powerful way to imagine the future you want and find motivation to get there.
Visualise your future, believe in that future, and your mind will take you there.
Making a plan
Tasks and day-to-day productivity
Always make tasks time-bound. Every task needs to have a set time (e.g. 30 minutes, or 4 hours). Then make a calendar and fit all those tasks in. Knowing the time you need for a given task allows you to timebox tasks into your schedule, fitting the tasks effectively based on the timeblock they need. This also allows you to be flexible, moving tasks to a future slot and rearranging them if needed. This also prevents you from procrastination, because it makes tasks less intimidating and easier to start. Knowing how long a tasks will take you, and ideally what it is composed of, gives you an easy way to get started now and know that you'll simply be done with it after the time the tasks takes. Undefined tasks are a lot more intimidating, chaotic, and not knowing how big or small they are makes you not start them at all.
Estimating tasks and positioning them in your schedule is a process that is not set in stone, it is a learning journey, and may require re-assessing plans that you thought were accurate and moving things as you go, but it is significantly better to have a plan than to not have any, even if plans change.
Plan ahead. This gives you urgency. Knowing what you need to achieve in 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 year gives you the urgency to know how what you do now has a direct impact and delay on what you'd like to achieve in 20 years. You start to see your life a lot more clearly, to be able to visualise it, and act upon it to achieve the things you want in it.
Mindset is one of the most important aspects of productivity, alongside dedication and efficiency.
Tackling the most difficult task first in the day, clearning tasks that are short right away, delegating or deleting if possible.
Balancing "Letting go" with "Planning and productivity"
Very interesting topic and a complex balance. Coming soon.
Long-term learning and improving with "time off"
Improving at a task, then leaving it for a long period of time, and coming back to it, makes you better at that task. Trying things early on and then giving them time "off", and coming back to them allows you to "evolve" into those tasks in a fascinating way that feels like leaps.
Visualising the future you
Visualising the future you, in detail, and how others perceive you, allows you to start "stepping into" that image of yourself and being the person you want to be throw visualising them.
Gratitude for every item's purpose. For the present moment and what you're given and are fortunate to have in it.
You have more power than you can begin to imagine
"You have been conditioned to dim your light in order to fit in and please others.
But wait! Don’t feel bad about it - human beings are social beings. We are hardwired to prioritize safety, love, & belonging from those around us because it increases our chances of survival to be accepted by the tribe.
So, in order to be accepted, we dim our expressions. We sacrifice authenticity for connection. We mold ourselves to fit into tiny little boxes that others have imposed onto us. 📦
Not only is this a disservice to yourself, but it’s a disservice to them too.
You did not manifest into this human body on a floating rock in space to hide, shrink, or please others.
You came here to learn how to be all of you.
You came here to learn to love being & expressing ALL of you.
So that your expression can INSPIRE those around you to do the same.
YOU showing up fully lights the way for others.
Those who support you will be inspired by you, and those who judge you are invited to reflect on their reaction and projections, and perhaps eventually, to realize that their judgement of you is actually not even about you. It reflects something inside of them."
- Nicole Brennan
Solving Problems as they arise
It is easy to forget how many of the problems and concerns we are dealing with are better resolved right away than put under the rug, leading to significant personal transformation. Often times, we don't stop and write out or research the problems we are dealing with, but just assume that we will either keep on doing things the same way and something will change, or that the problem will disappear. Sometimes that may be true, but a lot of the times it isn't. And solving the problem would give us significantly more satisfaction and fulfillment, making us a healthier, better version of ourselves that is on the right path.
Serving others, contributing, creating value
Awareness at a level of society and an individual (осъзнатост на ниво общество и индивид).
There are a few of us working on making the world better. Join us. We might not know you in order to ask for your help - so you need to come to us. Think of what is missing in the world, what would be helpful to others, and create it. Maximize usefulness. Solve problems. We will deeply appreciate it, and the goal is for everyone to contribute to society. We are all one tribe.
Help the people changing the world. They need you, and will be thankful. How can you be most useful?
Leading is about serving others. To carry the weight, to take responsibility, not for yourself, but for the good of others. To care deeply about them so much to be willing to sacrifice yourself and put their interest first. To put the common good above yourself, to reduce your ego to 0, and to focus fully on others. That's when you are a leader.
Being an example
Being an example to Mother. Realising that we all affect each other (see "Connectedness" chapter).
You are in this universe and you are creating it.
Pushing Through
Your brain is lazy and convinces you you are tired. You are able to do a lot more when you simply push through. Make the first smallest step towards the objective/goal/task and it will suddenly get a lot easier. Try to make the task/goal more fun and engaging in creative ways. Think of how privilleged you are to work on that task, or why somebody would be able to find excitement and interest in it.
Being brave to be fully and unapologetically yourself; to live your calling
This is when you live to your calling fully, with no fear. The only way for all of your beauty to shine and come through.
We live once and our time here is extremely short.
Being a Partner
The family unit, the divine love between two people, is one of the strongest, most important units that build up the tribe. Masculine and feminine energy complement each other to create a divine union, and enhance both people to a far greater level than they could ever be on their own. Short-term dating is irrelevant, and the purpose is to create strong bonds of love, trust, unity. To build together in mutual respect. To build upon true, deep love. To build the future, as part of the tribe.
Be the man you'd want for your daughter
While finding a partner in modern society is complex with vastly different expectations, cultures, beliefs, and values from person to person, one thing that holds true is to be the man you'd want your daughter to marry, to be with, to take care of her, and to be the man you'd want by her side.
This is important because it trumps individual insecurities, traumas, dispositions, and randomness, and gives you a firm, truthful metric by which to evaluate yourself, instead of evaluating yourself based on somebody else's opinion that might be misleading.
One of the most profound ways to become a better partner:
As a man: Be the man you'd want your daughter to marry. Be the man that you'd want as her father. And hold your wife to the standard you'd like your daughter to be. What daughter would you like to raise, what person would you like her to be? What son would you like to raise and who person would you like him to be?
As a woman, seek that man.
Be the woman you'd want for your son
While finding a partner in modern society is complex with vastly different expectations, cultures, beliefs, and values from person to person, one thing that holds true is to be the woman you'd want your son to marry, to be with, to take care of him, and to be the woman you'd want by his side.
This is important because it trumps individual insecurities, traumas, dispositions, and randomness, and gives you a firm, truthful metric by which to evaluate yourself, instead of evaluating yourself based on somebody else's opinion that might be misleading.
One of the most profound ways to become a better partner:
As a woman: Be the woman you'd want your son to marry. Be the woman that you'd want as his mother. And hold your man to the standard you'd like your son to be. What son would you like to raise and who person would you like him to be? What daughter would you like to raise, what person would you like her to be? What would your younger self like you to be? Be like that too.
As a man, seek that woman.
Deciding you're looking for a life partner
Deciding you're looking for a life partner, with no compromise, and continuing to look without giving in to temptation until you find them is the most important conscious step to finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Short-term dating is irrelevant.
Not trying to control outcomes: those meant to be there will stay
Letting go. Your presence is enough to keep the people who need and should be there. Never forcing or expecting someone to stay. You welcome them if they do, and take joy in their presence, but they are free.
An important aspect of letting go is not trying to control outcomes; not trying to "achieve" something, just letting go of the desire to get to a certain place on purpose and forcefully, and letting go for things to unfold the way they should. This is an energy of calm, peace, acceptance, love, a genuine energy, vs. an energy of insecurity, controlling, instability, and lack of calm. There is a quote: "If you love somebody, let them go". The quote implies accepting their full, complete freedom to decide the next moment and respecting that. And knowing that within that freedom, if their choice is to be there, then it is the right person and a healthy foundation to continue in the "sequence of present moments" that is life.