Exploring the intricate interconnectedness of the universe where everything is connected, and the importance of unity, togetherness, and functioning as one.
Connectedness: Physical level
Connectedness: Spiritual level
We all affect each other, all the time
We affect each other, and the world, all the time. Take a simple example - the flu. In winter months, almost everyone gets the flu. The way it is passed? From one person to another. This means that by simply being part of society, you are most likely going to be "affected" by others, and get the flu as part of your normal interactions. This, of course, shows how simple it is for a disease to start in one person and spread to the whole world.
This is the power of affecting others. It shows us that we have incredible power to affect others, at scale, and how, also, a lot of the ideas we see as normal in society started with a single vocal person who propagated them to others.
This means every single interaction you have matters. The example you set matters. Who you are matters. This is what you propagate in society by making it normal.
This is a clear example and an explanation of how change starts with you.
If you want other people to be kinder, show kindness. If you want other people to be more giving, give. If you wish people were more loving, love. This is the most powerful way you can affect change.
Want people to be more negative? Be negative. Want others to be arrogant? Be arrogant. Want others to have no hope that things could be better? Have no hope yourself.
Because at the end of the day, you're a single node in a very large system, but a small change in you starts to affect the entire system, either positively, or negatively.
When you embrace that responsibility, you will discover a truly beautiful world on the other side of it - a world which constantly changes, evolves, and in which you play an important, active part. One which we all shape together, with our small, individual nodes, and that collectively, reshape the whole organism.
Interacting with others
"Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated."
Accepting and forgiving vs. judging and condemning
Realising that others simply don't know better. Accept and love them anyway. Be kind to them, because if they hurt you - it means they are hurting. No happy, fulfilled person tries to put others down. Help them by being the light. Help them learn and grow
The Tribe
Never disband the tribe
The single message of our predecessors to whom the tribe was the most important thing, and who can't imagine anything good when the tribe is disbanded.
respect for elders (they provide stability)
the young challenge ideas/beliefs (their role)
support each other
we stand together, we fall alone
I believe in a global tribe of humanity
I believe the universe will smile at us if we do that
It is the first time in history of humans where we can become one global tribe - and it will be beautifula nd unlike anything before
individuals would flourish, live lives that are fulfilling
brotherhood and sisterhood
male and female energy complement each other to create something beautiful.
our ancestors say to us "never disband tribes"
humans are only humans because of connection
The importance of being united, being a tribe, what shapes us into being united, and what is the meaning of community? Coming in the future.
The Importance of Elders
Elders carry wisdom. There needs to be restoration of the mutual respect between youth and elders as a bridge to pass down knowledge, wisdom, values, based on frequent interaction, love, and caring for one another - being one tribe.